Sustaining Radio is the First Priority.

OK gang, we are sufficiently recovered from outside forces interrupting our mojo, but we can’t talk about any of that as some very special higher-ups are seeing that justice is served on our behalf. Even so, we have continued to work on our first and only priority – which is sustaining broadcast #radio! We just finished installing the new, full-up system for all our client base stations. The new system updates and combines all our separate automation features into a streamlined operation, adding smarter analytics, quicker turnaround, faster and way smarter program and ad production, AND Please read this next part carefully, an automation system with a planned feature rollout that makes this automation system the most intelligent software system — in any industry! This’ll probably be the last station system you’ll ever need…and this one can run your entire station operation. Boom! 🤯 And there’s more.

The new system even has features that will help you sell spots for more. That is the goal, and help will be available from our professional “Think Tank”. You simply turn B😁S on, walk away and let it run things in-house while you spend your time selling time. Making money bro, 🤑 not spending it. Stop that. Because this is no regular update to Synchronicity’s software. In fact, this triple-patented innovation is so ground-breaking that it has its own name and dedicated website! And because it’s so advanced, we will be revealing details only to our clients as needed.

Lastly though, may we suggest that it’s time for stations to refrain from investing in any new hardware or other automation software? You won’t need it. And soon you’ll have more time to sell or relax and read helpful biz articles like this one: Hint-click the headline ⬇ to read the whole piece…more good stuff.

Microsoft UPDATES *Explained. The problem is Viruses & Hackers!

Coming up! At the bottom, a new scam just appeared this morning!

Our Computers Are Not Our Own Anymore.

Plus! We’ve totally fixed a recent, nagging problem.

Yesterday, it was a Microsoft “update” that temporarily “broke” a piece of code on our system running on a client radio station which prompted this post.

What is an UPDATE and why so many? With Big Software moving to a subscription model, all our connected computers need constant tweaking to deal with the flow of MS security updates pushed to everyone.
It’s important to explain why we, you, all of us must adjust to the fact that our new world of lower cost, provider-connected computer devices must be constantly updated.

The situation is that unlike in the 1990’s – 2000’s, you bought a software program in a box and never heard from the developer again. And there were not a lot of problems either, remember? But now, however, everyone is directly connected to the “wild west” internet where we encounter the increased practices of slimy hackers, phishers & viruses! Meaning; our hackers & viruses are now their (MS) hackers & viruses. So yes, Microsoft is there to protect us from bad actors.

When MS writes code to thwart a discovered threat, this “patch” must be deployed downline to all MS users. These “updates” can sometimes “break” a conflicting part of another software program’s code. Complicating this issue is that when Microsoft deploys an update to every user in the world, apparently there’s no particular order to which and when that update is going to hit” a specific recipient.

So, MS update timing has been an issue. We only knew a piece of code was “broken” when our user or our system operator noticed that something wasn’t working and either the user calls our CS line, or the sysop fixed it right away. Yes, I am using past tense because…drum roll, please!

To further explain and reveal the best news ever! SyncBP has already rewritten, replaced and fixed the hack’s pieces of code in our software (now I’m using the older definition for “hack”: A person who is a professional at doing some sort of service, but does crappy work) that was contractually written for us by an outside company. The net effect being that it has been the “copy ‘n paste” code that has been breaking from some MS updates…It was not our team’s tight, clean, original code. So, the NEW! Improved! SyncBP system ware is slick as hell. It runs better, faster, lighter, and sturdier than ever and it’s not going to have anywhere as many update breaks!

As an aside, I really want to help everyone to avoid phishing scams & ransomeware lock-out problems.

Outside attacks, hacks, phishing & scams are constantly levied against any online platform or server on the connected internet ― (unless they are behind a “walled garden”, an older term for a closed system and something that Synchronicity Broadcast Platform plans to build as $oon as we are able). Otherwise, for private LAN (broadcast) groups, it’s the function of your highly skilled IT team/guy to stay vigilant and protect your company from these constant bombardments. However, even the best IT guys cannot possibly stop employees from clicking on bad links—this behavior must be addressed through tough-love education.

New scam! A new scam just appeared this morning. Microsoft Outlook mail invites are being sent out! These invites will transfer directly to your MS calendar. To immediately fix it on your end, disable the auto invite function in MS Outlook or the calendar.

Thanks for reading.

*Explained to the best of my non-engineering abilities


Open Letter to Radio: It’s Time to Repatriate Lost Listening

This is why it makes perfect sense to streamline production & programing from anywhere, add pinpointed delivery to where your demos are, insert instant custom updates, precise number reporting, *locale*, ad reportage. This & a lot more is coming hard and fast now from Broadcast Platform. You need to catch up on what’s been going on up in here. 🤓 In fact, so much customized, fine tuning is quickly becoming available! Also, you, yes YOU will be able discuss & ask for features to be added to help yourself and the industry out. Interested? Drop us an email to get on the contact list.

DMR/Interactive: The End Result

September 1, 2022

An Open Letter to Radio (7th Edition),

As we get set to embark on another Labor Day weekend, questions grow louder regarding audience erosion, declining PUMM levels and the corresponding impact on Ratings and Impressions.

Answering the bell is going to require working smarter and harder, both individually and as an industry.

PUMM was in steady decline long before the arrival of COVID.

What’s different in this moment is the growing awareness that although life has returned to normal, millions of workers have shifted to fully remote or hybrid work schedules and that looks to be permanent.

This reality is especially problematic for an industry that relies on commuters to drive consumption and benefits from traffic jams and congestion.


Let’s look at Apple as a cautionary tale. The tech giant built Apple Park, a luxurious $5 billion headquarters, which opened just 5 years ago. Yet, Tim…

View original post 551 more words

Guest Post – Essential Leadership Lesson

IMO, this is solid advice for all of us. Sort of a Humility vs. Ego equation applied to our thinking, planning and leading, either our teams or ourselves.


Greg Satell
• 1st
Global Transformation & Change Expert, International Keynote Speaker & Bestselling Author


When I’m in the late stages of writing a book, I start sending out sections to be fact checked by experts and others who have first-person knowledge of events. I’m always amazed at how much I get wrong. In some cases, I make truly egregious errors about facts I should have known. It’s incredibly embarrassing.

That’s why it’s so important not to believe everything you think, there are simply too many ways to get things wrong. As Richard Feynman put it, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.” I would also add a second principle that just because you’ve managed to fool others, doesn’t mean you’ve gotten it right.

Unfortunately, so many of the business ideas that are popular today come from people who’ve never actually operated a business. They tend to come from business school professors and consultants who’ve been told that they’re smart all their lives. They expect others to be impressed by their thoughts, not to check them.

In so many cases, things that supposedly “everybody knows” not only turn out to be wrong, but are so riddled with cognitive biases and other errors that they could never be right. Nevertheless, people follow them blindly because they are presented well and sound smart.

That’s why I send out fact checks, because I know how likely I am to think stupid things. I’ve also noticed that I tend to be most wrong when I think I’ve come up with something brilliant. It’s also why I’m so critical about other ideas I encountered. Much as Tolstoy wrote about happy families, there are infinitely more ways to get things wrong than to get things right.

Do you have a favorite stupid business idea? Have you wondered why business scholars so often lack the rigor of other fields? Why do such obviously wrong ideas get traction and how can we best spot an avoid them?

Greg Satell

Brain Defragging & 10 Tips 4 Emotional Healing

What really helps us reduce our sadness, anxiety, and other emotional distress?

It’s certainly NOT old 1990 computers. Remember those? Back then we had to manually set the machine to defrag the hard drives. Apologies to Apple fans heh, heh. I don’t want to lose you, so simply put, defragging is a process of “cleaning up” and restructuring the empty spaces left on the hard drive after files are deleted or moved. It straightens up data blocks and fills the “holes”. On screen it kind of looked like Tetris. Oh-oh! Now I’ve lost any readers born after 1984! Sheesh. Let me quickly get to the point…but first, a lead-in. Hard drive defragging has been automatic in background for many years and lately, science has told us, that our very own brains do a similar defrag process when we are sleeping. I forgot to mention that if your computer drive isn’t cleaned up and reorganized by defrag on a regular basis, its “brain” gets all gummed up, productivity slows down and the ‘puter’s processing can begin to get confused. Nah, I made that last part up… but our brain is by far the fastest processor ever assembled. Yes, ok. I have worked on several types of mass production lines, but let’s ignore that for now. What is important though is that if someone isn’t consistently getting enough quality sleep, the brain’s defrag program won’t have enough run time to scrub the debris from the little gray cells and restructure the junk space. Hey! Nobody really knows how much mental, emotional and physical impairments may develop as consequences.

The point? Keep trying everyday to live your best life…unless, you know, you’re mister perfect already.

I mean who doesn’t need help getting back on that horse about now?

Ok, ready? This guy ↙is good! Here are his 10 Tips for Emotional Healing.

Eric R. Maisel Ph.D.

More stuff > Rethinking Mental Health

You Are What Think 🤔 (you are)…and Do.

Learning something new and then employing the new thing changes up who you are and what you can accomplish. As a productivity professional, I learned a stellar *system* of success way back in 1981 that has served me well. However, being open to *new* ideas is a sign of intelligence and could pay dividends that accelerate your success; thereby giving you more time for other goals, like fishing or napping! Knowing that even one new idea can make all the difference, I want to share with you this recent post from one of the Leadership folks on LinkedIn.

Be well and prosper.